Jul 8, 2013 2000-years and took a position as a model for the European Employment Strategy and a much cited example of a real life flexicurity model.


Flexicurity is seen as a key ingredient in the implementation of the EU’s strategy for growth and jobs by helping businesses and employees adapt to the challenges and opportunities of globalisation.

Thus, the flexicurity concept was relatively vague. This vagueness was one of the reasons of its success. Since flexicurity began to be promoted by the Commission, most member states did not appear to be very enthusiastic about it. Only Denmark and Austria (the two countries that were in charge of EU’s presidency in 2006) supported the approach.

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2 och p. 5–7 (Sysselsättning, socialpolitik, hälso- och sjukvård samt konsumentfrågor) EU-kommissionen har dragit igång en Mission for flexicurity . Syftet är att öka medvetenheten om de gemensamma principer för flexicurity, som beslutades på toppmötet i december 2007, och underlätta det praktiska införandet i medlemsstaterna. Flexicurity. Flexicurity refers to a form of work organisation making it easier for companies to restructure or make redundancies, in return for high levels of social protection from the state. It was pioneered in the Nordic countries (especially Denmark), and widely advocated as a response to the economic crisis.

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The next sections establish how the flexicurity concept managed the crisis in Flexicurity is an attempt to unite these two fundamental needs. Flexicurity promotes a combination of flexible labor markets and a high level of employment and income security and it is thus seen to be the answer to the EU's dilemma of how to maintain and improve competitiveness whilst preserving the European social model. Flexicurity attempts to conciliate both employers' and workers' needs, flexibility and security, by ensuring the worker safe transitions inside the labour market, while maintaining and improving competitiveness of the companies and also preserving the European social model.

Study on Flexicurity in the EU Between 2010 and 2011 the ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME and CEEP developed a joint study designed to assess the implementation of the common principles of flexicurity and the role of social partners in the process. This study covers 29 countries, all 27 EU Member States and Candidate Countries Croatia and Turkey.

2007 — EU:s ekonomi- och finansministrars Ekofinråd sammanträder den 9 Frågan om flexibilitet och trygghet på arbetsmarknaden (Flexicurity)  ”EU:s lagstiftande kompetens på arbetsmarknadsområdet är begränsat” Altinget nätverk: Flexicurity i Danmark – något vi kan lära av i Sverige?

21 jan. 2019 — Flexicurity förenar flexibilitet på arbetsmarknaden (”flexibility”) med ett socialt skyddsnät vid arbetslöshet (”security”). Danskarna menar att n  5 okt.
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The aim of flexicurity is to improve employment opportunities for workers, while at the same time increasing flexibility, enabling organisations to adapt their operations and employment levels to business needs. The past few years have, however, been particularly challenging for European labour markets: the recent financial crisis and recession have had an inevitable negative impact on EU Flexicurity — a crucial element in modernising the EU’s labour market.

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www.etf.europa.eu For any additional information please contact: European Training Foundation ETF Communication Department Villa Gualino Viale Settimio Severo 65 I – 10133 Torino E info@etf.europa.eu F +39 011 630 2200 T +39 011 630 2222 FLEXICURITY AND THE ROLE OF LIFELONG LEARNING IN UKRAINE

FLEXICURITY arbetar med analyser, utredningar och presentationer åt företag, fack och arbetsgivare, olika föreningar, kommuner, regioner och statliga organ. Flexicurity is a welfare state model with a pro-active labour market policy. The term was first coined by the social democratic Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in the 1990s.

Flexicurity has been developed as an underlying principle for the design of labour market policies within the European Union (EU). The new Europe 2020 strategy and the EU Agenda for new skills and jobs confirmed the crucial role of flexicurity in addressing EU labour market challenges. Within the framework of Turkish accession to the EU, this

ER - Begreppet flexicurity beskriv er en arbetsmarknad som präglas av relativt svagt anställningsskydd i kombination med en generös arbetslöshetsförsäkring och aktiva arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Arbetsmarknadsmodellen lyftes av EU-kommissionen under 00-talet som den politiska strategi som skulle leda till ökad tillväxt och sysselsättning inom EU. Flexicurity is an attempt to unite these two fundamental needs. Flexicurity promotes a combination of flexible labor markets and a high level of employment and income security and it is thus seen to be the answer to the EU's dilemma of how to maintain and improve competitiveness whilst preserving the European social model. FLEXICURITY; Jan Edling; Stensängsvägen 2 141 37 Huddinge SWEDEN +46705492582; jan.edling@flexicurity.se; KOMMENTERA VIA E-MAIL.

Följ FLEXICURITY. Prenumerera på nya inlägg till FLEXICURITY. E-postadress . Prenumerera . Integritet och cookies: Den här webbplatsen använder cookies. Genom att fortsätta använda den här webbplatsen godkänner du deras användning. Om du vill veta mer, inklusive hur du The present analysis of flexicurity dimensions across EU countries draws upon available data sources from Eurostat (Statistics on Living and Income Conditions and Labour Force Survey) and OECD.